Creating a session object

To access the Domino Objects, create an object based on the registered Lotus.NotesSession class.

Visual Basic

Include the Domino object library in the Visual Basic project:

The location will show the path to DOMOBJ.TLB in the Domino or Notes program directory.

Alternatively, you can select the Browse button and specify DOMOBJ.TLB in the Domino or Notes program directory.

The Domino Objects then become available to the project. You can see them in the Object Browser, and they appear as prompts when you start typing an object name.

The classes appear in the left-hand pane of the browser; the properties and methods appear in the right-hand pane for the selected class. Constants appear in the left-hand pane as Enum data structures; the members appear in the right-hand pane. For example, the Enum structure named ACLLEVEL contains the members ACLLEVEL_AUTHOR, ACLLEVEL_DEPOSITOR, and so on. The error constants appear in the right-hand pane when NOTES_ERRORS is selected in the left-hand pane.

To access the Domino Objects, create a NotesSession object with either the following:

Note If you declare the session variable as Variant or Object, COM uses late binding.


In VBScript, create a NotesSession object with the following:

VBScript treats all variables as Variant, so COM uses late binding.

The Domino constants are not defined. You must specify the actual values (or define the constants yourself). See the discussion of constant values below in "Constants."

See Also