Creating custom file sets for a DOLS subscription
You can have custom programs run on the subscription after it is installed to the user's machine. You must use a DOLS utility called DOLMKINF to have your custom program install offline. Do the following to have your program install and run offline.

1. Create a self-extracting executable (EXE) file containing your program files.

2. Copy the file to the following directory on the Domino server:
3. In the command prompt, navigate to the \filesets directory and run the DOLMKINF utility (DOLMKINF.EXE) by entering arguments with the following syntax:
4. Open the Offline Subscription Configuration Profile document. Click the Services tab, then select "Custom Services."

5. Specify your program name (without the N_ prefix or .EXE suffix) in the "Custom Services to install offline" field. For example: MYCUSTOM

6. (Optional) Specify a setup program and any arguments your program takes. For example:
Note If you specify more than one program, separate the entries with commas.

See Also