Class: 64K bytes
Procedure: 32K bytes
The limits on the storage size of data in a given scope apply to fixed-size variables: scalar variables except for variable-length strings; user-defined type variables; and fixed arrays of these scalar variables and user-defined type variables. Depending on the order of declaration, alignment of variables on storage boundaries can take extra space. For example, an Integer variable is aligned on a 2-byte boundary, and a Long variable is aligned on a 4-byte boundary.
The maximum size of data in each dynamic variable (each variable-length string, each list, each dynamic array, and each instance of a class) is limited by available memory. However, each such variable will use 4 bytes for data in the scope where it is declared.
Because of run-time needs, LotusScript might generate an Out of stack error just before it reaches the data storage size limit.
See Also