Working with @functions
All @functions evaluate to a value and can be placed in a formula anywhere a value of that type can be placed. When the formula executes, the value of the formula takes the place of the formula. Some formulas also have side-effects, that is, they cause actions to occur. For example, @Prompt causes a message box to appear.

Most @functions can be used in formulas for any Notes object, but some @functions are restricted in their applicability. The following table lists the @functions that are restricted and lists the Notes objects in which they can be used effectively. In addition, for an @function to return information on the current database, view, document, or field, these objects must be current.
Restricted functionFunction only works in these Notes objects
@AllReplication formula, agent, view selection formula
@AllChildren Replication formula, view selection formula
@AllDescendants Replication formula, view selection formula
@Command Toolbar button, manual agent, action hotspot
@DbColumn (Domino data source) Toolbar button, action, hotspot, field design, agent except mail
@DbLookup (Domino data source) Toolbar button, action, hotspot, field design, agent except mail
@DeleteDocument Agent
@DeleteField Agent
@DocChildren Column formula, window title formula
@DocDescendants Column formula, window title formula
@DocLevel Column formula, window title formula
@DocMark Agent
@DocNumber Column formula, window title formula
@DocParentNumber Column formula, window title formula
@DocSiblings Column formula, window title formula
@Failure Field validation formula
ENVIRONMENT All except formula pop-up hotspot
@Environment All except formula pop-up hotspot when writing
FIELD Toolbar button, agent, action hotspot, field design
@IsCategory Column formula
@IsDocBeingLoaded Form design, field design
@IsDocBeingMailed Button, hotspot, field design
@IsDocBeingRecalculated Button, hotspot, field design
@IsDocBeingSaved Button, hotspot, field design
@IsExpandable Column formula
@IsNewDoc Toolbar button, window title formula, form design, field design
@MailSend Toolbar button, agent, action hotspot
@PickList Toolbar button, manual agent, action hotspot, field design
@Platform Toolbar button, manual agent, hotspot, view design except selection and column formulas, form design, field design
@Prompt Toolbar button, manual agent, action hotspot, field design
@Responses Window title formula, field design
@Return Toolbar button, agent, hotspot, field design
SELECT Replication formula, agent, view selection formula
@SetDocField Toolbar button, agent, action hotspot, field design
@SetEnvironment All except formula pop-up hotspot
@SetField Toolbar button, agent, action hotspot, field design
@Success Validation formula
@Unavailable Agent
@ViewTitle Agent

See Also