Tab | Property | Description |
Frame Size tab | Width and Height | Choose relative, percent, or pixel to specify the frame width and height:
- Relative -- sizes the frame relative to the other frames in the frameset. For example, a frame with no frames above or below it is automatically set to relative and is the height of the frameset.
- Percent -- sizes the frame as a percentage of the frameset. A frame set to 50 Percent width is half the width of the frameset.
- Pixel -- sizes the frame exactly in pixels.
Note If you change the width and height properties for one frame, the width and height of adjacent frames will change; however, the properties of adjacent frames are not automatically adjusted. Adjacent frame properties are adjusted if you drag the borders. |
 | Scrolling | Choosing On forces a scroll bar for the frame; choosing Off causes no scroll bar to appear. If you choose Auto, the scroll bar appears if it is needed. The default is Auto. |
 | Allow Resizing | Allow Resizing. If you choose Yes, you allow users in the Notes client or Web browser to change the height and width of frames by dragging their borders. If you choose No, users cannot drag borders to re-size the frame. |
 | Set Initial Focus | Checking this box causes the focus to be on this frame when the frameset is launched in the Notes client. This feature works only with Lotus Domino Designer 6 and later and is ignored by previous versions. If this property is enabled for more than one frame in a frameset, the first frame found is enabled. If this property in enabled on a frame that either has no content or has content which cannot be found, there is no frame focus. |
Frame Border tab | Border Style (Applies to this frame) |
- 3-D border -- allows three-dimensional borders between the current frame and its adjacent frames.
- Apply to all frames -- adds three-dimensional borders between all frames in the frameset.
 | Border style (Applies to all borders in frameset) |
- Border width (in pixels). The default is 7 pixels. Checking Default means that the frame displays according to the user's browser settings. Each browser renders design elements differently, so be sure to preview your work in each browser if you are choosing this setting.
- Border color -- choose a color from the drop-down color chart. Click on the system (monitor) icon at the top of the color chart to get the default color. Click on the wheel icon at the top of the color chart to create a custom color.
 | Border Caption (Notes Client Only) |
- Caption Formula -- enter a formula that translates to a caption that appears in the border.
- Show -- choose None, Caption only, Arrows only, or Both. None shows the default border with no caption or arrows." Caption only" displays a caption in the border. "Arrows only" displays an arrow in the border. This arrow lets you open and close the frame. Both displays both a caption and an arrow in the border.
- Align - for a caption, choose to align so that the caption appears inside the top or bottom border of the frame. For an arrow, choose to align so the arrow appears at the top, bottom, left, or right border of the frame. For both a caption and an arrow, you can align top or bottom. Note that the border appears only where the caption or arrows appear. For example, if you choose "Top," then the border displays on the top only.
- Justify - choose to justify the caption or arrows so they appear to the left, right, or center of the border.
- Open - choose a size in pixels or as a percent of the frame. This size is the default size that the frame opens to when the user clicks on the border of a closed frame.
- You can also specify text characteristics for the caption and arrows, such as font, size, style, and color. In addition, you can specify a background color for the border.
Advanced tab | Frame Spacing | The default is minimal space between frames. You specify spacing between frames in pixels. Checking Default means that the frame displays according to the user's browser settings. Each browser renders design elements differently, so be sure to preview your work in each browser if you are choosing this setting. This property is not supported in the Notes client. |
 | Margin Height and Width | The default is minimal space between the frame border and the frame content. You specify height and width in pixels. Checking Default means that the frame displays according to the user's browser settings. Each browser renders design elements differently, so be sure to preview your work in each browser if you are choosing this setting. This property is not supported in the Notes client. |