Examples: Select Case statement
' One of five Print statements is selected for execution,
' depending on the value of the variable segSelect.
' Note that the Case Else clause is executed only if
' segSelect is less than 0, between 0 and 1, between 1 and 2,
' between 2 and 3, or between 5 and 6.

Dim segSelect As Double
' ...
For segSelect# = -1 to 7
  Select Case segSelect#
     Case 0       : Print "0"
     Case 1, 2    : Print "1, 2"
     Case 3 To 5  : Print "3 TO 5"
     Case Is >= 6 : Print ">=6"
     Case Else    : Print "Else"
  End Select
' Output:
' Else
' 0
' 1, 2
' 1, 2
' 3 TO 5
' 3 TO 5
' 3 TO 5
' >=6
' >=6

See Also