Examining and adjusting database replication settings
You examine and adjust the replication settings of a database through the NotesReplication and NotesReplicationEntry classes.

Each database object has exactly one associated NotesReplication object, accessible through the ReplicationInfo property in NotesDatabase. NotesReplication has the following properties:
PropertyData typeDescription
AbstractBoolean(Read-write) True to truncate large documents and remove attachments.
CutoffDateVariant of type DATE(Read-only) Today's date minus the cutoff interval.
CutoffDeleteBoolean(Read-write) True to automatically delete documents older than the cutoff date.
CutoffIntervalLong(Read-write) Number of days after which documents are automatically deleted if CutoffDelete is True.
DisabledBoolean(Read-write) True to disable replication.
DontSendLocalSecurityUpdatesBoolean(Read-write) True to not send local security (encryption) updates.
IgnoreDeletesBoolean(Read-write) True to not replicate outgoing deletions.
IgnoreDestDeletesBoolean(Read-write) True to not replicate incoming deletions.
PriorityLong(Read-write) Replication priority.
The following methods are available:

A database has any number of NotesReplicationEntry objects, accessible through the GetEntry method of NotesReplication. A replication entry describes the replication settings for a pair of servers, of which one is the source and the other is the destination. The following properties are available:
PropertyData typeDescription
DestinationString(Read-only) Name of the destination server.
FormulaString(Read-write) The replication formula.
IsIncludeACLBoolean(Read-write) True to include the ACL.
IsIncludeAgentsBoolean(Read-write) True to include agents.
IsIncludeDocumentsBoolean(Read-write) True to include documents.
IsIncludeFormsBoolean(Read-write) True to include forms.
IsIncludeFormulasBoolean(Read-write) True to include the replication formula.
SourceString(Read-only) Name of the source server.
ViewsString(Read-write) The views to be included.
The following methods are available:
See Also