Examples: Second function
' Construct a message that displays the current time and the
' number of hours, minutes, and seconds remaining in the day.
Dim timeFrag As String, hoursFrag As String
Dim minutesFrag As String, secondsFrag As String
Dim crlf As String, message As String
timeFrag$ = Format(Time, "h:mm:ss AM/PM")
hoursFrag$ = Str(23 - Hour(Time))
minutesFrag$ = Str(59 - Minute(Time))
secondsFrag$ = Str(60 - Second(Time))
crlf$ = Chr(13) & Chr(10) ' Carriage return/line feed
message$ = "Current time: " & timeFrag$ & ". " & crlf$ _
& "Time remaining in the day: " _
& hoursFrag$ & " hours, " _
& minutesFrag$ & " minutes, and " _
& secondsFrag$ & " seconds."
See Also
Second function
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