Setting styles for a standard view or folder
To make a view or folder attractive and easy to use, consider the layout of the view or folder and its columns and rows. View or folder, row, and column properties work together to display colors, widths, fonts, and so on. These view/folder style options are available from the Style tab of the View/Folder properties box.
Option nameDescription
BodyChoose a color for the view background. To set alternate colors for rows in a view, choose an "Alternate rows" color.

Use "Image" option to specify an image resource as a view background for Notes client users. Choose one of the "Repeat "options to display a single copy of the image or to tile multiple copies of the image for the view background.

Can also specify a formula for displaying an image based on a certain condition. The formula evaluates when the view first displays. Avoid using an animated GIF file.

GridSpecify a grid style for the view. Use "Color" option to set a color for the grid lines.

Note Non-resizable columns and response only columns do not display gridlines. Categorized views, views with flat headings, and views with simple headings only display horizontal gridlines.

HeaderShows a bar at the top of the view with column titles in a beveled, flat, or simple look. Beveled--background is gray; Simple--background matches view color. Use the "Color" options to set a color for the header. Use the "Height" option to set a header height from one to five lines to specify how many lines a column title can wrap. Useful for long column titles or instructions placed in a column title.
RowsSpecify how many lines a column can contain. Increase this value if you are using newline to separate multiple values in a view. "Shrink rows to content" and setting a color for alternate rows are useful accompaniments to multi-line rows. "Row spacing" sets the vertical space between rows in a view. Default is single-spaced rows.

"Don't show categories" suppresses the display of categories with no documents. "Colorize view icons" colors the pre-defined Domino view icons to match the header color.

Color options let you set colors for unread documents and for column totals. Red is used in Domino templates for unread documents. since Bold does not display in R5 clients, you can specify an Unread color and check the "Transparent" option so that R5 users will see unread rows in a color while Notes 6 users see unread rows as bold.

OtherShows the document selection margin. Deselect for cleaner-looking rows. If you deselect "Show selection margin," users can still select documents by pressing and holding SHIFT as they click document names. The selection margin appears temporarily while documents are selected, and hides again when all documents are deselected.

"Hide selection margin border" turns off the border separating columns.

"Extend last column to window width" fills out the last column to avoid empty space in the view. This makes view easier to read.

MarginSets margins for a view in pixels (1 to 100.) If you deselect "Show selection margin," users can still select documents by pressing and holding SHIFT as they click document names. The selection margin appears temporarily while documents are selected, and hides again when all documents are deselected.

Use "Color" to set a color for the view margin. Useful for off-setting a view with a contrasting background color.

Margin settings are not supported on the Web.

See Also