Enclose @function arguments in parentheses.
Omit parentheses for @functions without arguments.
Multiple arguments
Separate multiple arguments with a semicolon.
@IsCategory("Yes"; "No")
@Middle(Company; 4; 4)
Keyword arguments
Enclose keyword arguments in square brackets. @Abstract, @Command, @PostedCommand, @DocMark, @GetPortsList, @PickList, @MailSend, @Name, and @Prompt use keyword parameters.
@Prompt([OK]; "Response"; Y)
@Name([CN]; AUTHOR)
You can also assign a keyword to a variable. For instance, the following assignment is valid:
o := [OK];
@Prompt(o;"Database title";@DbTitle)
Argument data types
Specify the correct data type for each @function argument per the @function description. For example, the first argument to @Prompt must be a keyword. If the keyword is [OK], it must be followed by two arguments of type text.
@Prompt([OK]; "The answer is ..."; @Text(N));