Gets the specific Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) header information from the Uniform Resource Locator (URL). A URL is a text string used for identifying and addressing a Web resource.
Note This method is obsolete in Release 6.
Defined in
header$ = notesDatabase.GetURLHeaderInfo( URL$ , headername$ [, Webusername$ ] [, Webpassword$ ] [, Proxywebusername$ ] [, Proxywebpassword$ ] )
Note This parameter is optional in COM.
All HTTP (and META) Header names are converted so that any dashes they contain became underscores (so they can be used in Views, etc.). Previously, this required all LotusScript users to convert all dashes to underscores manually. Now, with Release 5, all dashes are automatically converted to underscores.
Language cross-reference
getURLHeaderInfo method in Java Database class
@GetHTTPHeader function in formula language
@URLGetHeader in formula language
@WebDbName function in formula language