Representing a name

A NotesName object allows you to represent a Notes user or server name so that you can access the parts of the name as properties. Use the New method of NotesName or the CreateName method NotesSession to establish the object and specify the name. If the name is in the form of a hierarchical name, it is treated as a hierarchical name; otherwise, it is treated as a flat name.

The following table lists the NotesName properties.
PropertyData typeDescription
AbbreviatedString(Read-only) Abbreviated form of hierarchical name.
Addr821 String(Read-only) Internet address in the format based on FRC821 Address Format Syntax.
Addr822Comment1 String(Read-only) Comment1 component of Internet address in the format based on RFC 822 Address Format.
Addr822Comment2 String(Read-only) Comment2 component of the Internet address is the format based on RFC 822 Address Format.
Addr822Comment3 String(Read-only) Comment3 component of the Internet address is the format based on RFC 822 Address Format.
Addr822LocalPart String(Read-only) LocalPart component of Internet address in the format based on RFC 822 Address Format.
Addr822Phrase String(Read-only) Phrase component of Internet address in the format based on RFC 822 Address Format.
ADMDString(Read-only) Administration management domain name part of a name.
CanonicalString(Read-only) Canonical form of a hierarchical name.
CommonString(Read-only) Common name (CN=) component of a hierarchical name.
CountryString(Read-only) Country or region (C=) component of a hierarchical name.
GenerationString(Read-only) Generation part of a name, for example, "Jr."
GivenString(Read-only) Given part of a name.
InitialsString(Read-only) Initials part of a name.
IsHierarchicalBoolean(Read-only) True if the name is hierarchical.
KeywordString(Read-only) Country\organization\organizational unit 1\organizational unit 2\organizational unit 3\organizational unit 4.
Language String(Read-only) The language code associated with a name. Returns null if the property is undefined.
OrganizationString(Read-only) Organization (O=) component of a hierarchical name.
OrgUnit1String(Read-only) First organizational unit (OU=) component of a hierarchical name.
OrgUnit2String(Read-only) Second organizational unit (OU=) component of a hierarchical name.
OrgUnit3String(Read-only) Third organizational unit (OU=) component of a hierarchical name.
OrgUnit4String(Read-only) Fourth organizational unit (OU=) component of a hierarchical name.
Parent NotesSession(Read-only) The session that contains a Name object. For COM only.
PRMDString(Read-only) Private management domain name part of a name.
SurnameString(Read-only) Surname part of a name.

See Also