Represents a link to a named design element. If the link is empty, represents a standard non-hot Notes link. If the link contains rich text, represents a hotspot link. You activate non-hot Notes links by clicking the Notes icon that represents the link in rich text. You activate hotspot links by clicking any part of the rich text they contain.
Containment Hierarchy
Contained by: %frame.value;, %richtext.links;
Contains: %link.computed.content;
<!ELEMENT namedelementlink (%link.computed.content;) >
<!ATTLIST namedelementlink
The %named.element.link.types; entity defines the named design elements that can be linked to with a named element link.
<!ENTITY % named.element.link.types "page | form | frameset | view | folder | navigator ">
The %named.element.link.databases; entity defines the special databases that a link object can be retrieved from when you create a named element link. These options are available in addition to the local databases and Domino Directory.
<!ENTITY % named.element.link.databases "mailfile | addressbook | subscriptions | bookmarks ">