Table of numeric operators
You can use these operators in expressions whose operands represent numeric values:
Type of operatorOperatorOperation
-, +Unary negation (unary minus), unary plus
*, /Multiplication, floating-point division
\Integer division
ModModulo division (remainder)
-, +Subtraction, addition
Relational (comparison)=Equal
<>Not equal
><Not equal
<Less than
<=Less than or equal to
=<Less than or equal to
>Greater than
>=Greater than or equal to
=>Greater than or equal to
Logical (bitwise)NotOne’s complement
AndBitwise And
OrBitwise Or
XorBitwise exclusive Or
EqvBitwise equivalence
ImpBitwise implication
Logical (Boolean)NotLogical negation
AndLogical And
OrLogical Or
XorLogical exclusive Or
EqvLogical equivalence
ImpLogical implication

See Also