Examples: IsAdminServer property
This agent sets "stormy" as the administration server for the current database.

Sub Initialize
 Dim session As New NotesSession
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Dim acl As NotesACL
 Dim acle As NotesACLEntry
 Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
 Set acl = db.ACL
 REM See if there is an administration server
 adminExists = False
 Set acle = acl.GetFirstEntry
 Do While Not(acle Is Nothing)
   If acle.IsAdminServer Then
     adminExists = True
     Exit Do
   End If
   Set acle = acl.GetNextEntry(acle)
 REM Remove current admin server if not stormy
 If adminExists Then
   If Instr(Lcase(acle.Name), "stormy") Then
     Messagebox "Admin server is already stormy",, "All set"
     Exit Sub
     acle.IsAdminServer = False
     Call acle.Remove
   End If
 End If
 REM Make stormy admin server
 Set acle = acl.GetEntry("stormy/UNIX/Notes")
 If acle Is Nothing Then
   Set acle = acl.CreateACLEntry("stormy/UNIX/Notes", _
 End If
 acle.IsAdminServer = True
 Call acl.Save
End Sub

See Also