Examples: Aliases property
This agent changes the existing aliases for a view.

Sub Initialize
 Dim s As New NotesSession
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Dim view As NotesView
 Dim newAliases() As String
 Dim newAlias As String
 Dim n As Integer
 Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
 Set view = db.GetView("Topics")
 n = 0
 Forall a In view.Aliases
   newAlias = Inputbox$("Modify as desired:", "Alias", a)
   Redim Preserve newAliases(0 To n)
   newAliases(n) = newAlias
   n = n + 1
 End Forall
 view.Aliases = newAliases
 Forall a In view.Aliases
   Messagebox a,, "Alias"
 End Forall
End Sub

See Also