Examples: Accessing agents
1. This example indicates whether the specified agent is a Notes agent.
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim agent As NotesAgent
Dim nAgent As Variant
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Forall a In db.Agents
If(a.Name = "RemoveEntry") Then
Set agent = a
nAgent = agent.IsNotesAgent
If nAgent Then
Messagebox "This is a Notes agent."
Messagebox "This is not a Notes agent."
End If
End If
End Forall
End Sub
2. This example indicates whether the specified agent is a Web agent.
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim agent As NotesAgent
Dim nAgent As Variant
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Forall a In db.Agents
If(a.Name = "Read/Write") Then
Set agent = a
nAgent = agent.IsWebAgent
If nAgent Then
Messagebox nAgent
End If
End If
End Forall
End Sub
3. This example displays the name of the current agent.
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim agent As NotesAgent
Set agent = session.CurrentAgent
If Not Isempty(agent) Then
Messagebox("Not an agent")
End If
End Sub
4. This example displays the names of all the agents in the current database.
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
agents = db.Agents
If Not IsEmpty(agents) Then
Forall agent In agents
End Forall
Messagebox("No agents in database")
End If
End Sub
5. This example determines if the agent "UserNameList" is triggered manually.
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim agent As NotesAgent
Dim nAgent As Variant
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Forall a In db.Agents
If(a.Name = "UserNameList") Then
Set agent = a
nAgent = agent.Trigger
If Trigger = Manual Then
Messagebox "Trigger is Manual"
End If
End Forall
End Sub
6. This example saves data on the first invocation of an agent and displays it on every later invocation. If the agent is modified, the cycle restarts.
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set doc = session.SavedData
If doc.HasItem("SavedText") Then
outText = doc.SavedText
Messagebox("Saved text = " & outText(0))
inText = Inputbox("Enter saved text")
Call doc.AppendItemValue("SavedText", inText)
Call doc.Save(True, False)
End If
End Sub
See Also
Accessing agents
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