Lotus Domino supports the standard JavaScript object model. For information on the JavaScript object model, see http://developer.netscape.com/tech/javascript, http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/js/client/jsguide, and http://msdn.microsoft.com/scripting.
Browser implementation of the object model depends upon the browser. The Notes client implements the object model with some exceptions. For information on the Notes implementation, see the Notes Release 5 Client Document Object Model in http://www.lotus.com/ldd/doc.
The JavaScript objects map to the Domino design elements as discussed in the following sections.
The navigator object applies to the currently opened form, page, view, or frameset. The appName, appCodeName, appVersion, platform, and userAgent properties apply to the invoking browser or client and return the same information no matter what the base Domino Designer object is.
The window object applies to the currently opened form, page, view, or, for a frameset, the frame that is in focus. Suppose you design two pages named "Page One" and "Page Two," and a frameset with two frames named "High" and "Low," where "High" opens "Page One" and "Low" opens "Page Two." If you open "Page One" on its own, window.status means the status property of "Page One." If you open the frameset, window.status means "Page One" when the focus is on "High" and "Page Two" when the focus is on "Low."
Domino frames can be accessed by name and through the frames array. The name is as specified in the Frame Properties box. Use window.top to access the window representing the frameset. For example, if a frameset has two frames named "High" and "Low," you can refer to the first frame as window.top.High or window.top.frames[0], and the second as window.top.Low or window.top.frames[1].
The name property initially contains the Domino frame name and is empty if the window does not represent a Domino frame.
Nested frames represent nested Domino framesets. For example, if the "Low" frame contains another frameset with two frames named "Left" and "Right," you can refer to "Left" as window.top.Low.Left, window.top.frames[1].frames[0], or some combination of names and frame elements.
Use the "parent" property to access the parent window of a frame. If the focus is in the "Right" frame in the above example, window.parent refers to window.top.Low and window.parent.Left refers to the adjacent window.top.Low.Left.
History and location
The history and location objects apply to whatever the parent window applies.
The document object represents the contents of the currently open Domino form, page, or view. The document object contains the following:
Domino link hotspots do not contain event handlers. However, you can specify a handler in "Other" under the <HTML> tag of the HotSpot Properties box.
You can refer to a Domino image resource with a URL that specifies the database name or replica ID followed by the name of the image resource, for example, /Web+Test.nsf/newdam.gif.