To create a new database by copying an existing database
Before you copy the design of a database, check its Database Properties. If "No design information available" is shown on the Design tab of the Database Properties box, the designer has hidden the design of the database, and you will not be able to modify the design of the new database.

If you copy the design of an existing database, keep in mind that the settings for the full-text index are copied as part of the design. When you complete the new application, be sure to ask the database manager to create a new full-text index.

For information on creating a full-text index for a database copy, see Lotus Domino Administrator 6 Help.

1. Open the database you want to copy.

2. Choose File - Database - New Copy.

3. In the Server field do one of the following:

4. (Optional) In the Title field, enter a title for the new database. The title can have a maximum of 96 characters.
5. (Optional) Click Encryption, select "Locally encrypt this database using:" and select an encryption type. For information on encrypting a database, see the topic "Notes and Domino encryption" in the chapter "Security in an Application."

6. (Optional) If you are developing an application for use with Lotus Notes and Domino 4.x or will be on a Domino 4.x server, click "Size Limit" and select a size (in gigabytes).

7. Select "Database design only" so that the database’s documents will not be copied to your new database.

8. Deselect Access Control List so that the original database’s access control list will not be copied to your new database.

9. Click OK.

10. (Optional) Choose File - Database - Properties, click the Design tab, and deselect "Inherit design from template." This will prevent the new database from inheriting design changes from the template whose design the database is based on.

See Also