Creating a project for AgentRunner
In a Java IDE:

1. Add the complete file path for Notes.jar to the CLASSPATH in your Java IDE. Some Java IDEs such as VisualAgeŽ require you to import this file into your project instead of adding it to the CLASSPATH.

2. Create an agent that extends DebugAgentBase instead of AgentBase. To ensure that the correct DebugAgentBase is used, use "import lotus.notes.*;" for agents created in Notes/Domino Release 4.6 and "import lotus.domino.*;" for agents created with Notes/Domino Release 5 or later.

3. Build the project as an application. A main() method is not required, but if your IDE requires it, you may add a dummy main() method that Domino ignores.

4. If necessary, the class files.

See Also