Application access for Web users
The Advanced section of the ACL lets you specify a maximum access setting for Internet users who are authenticated with Basic authentication (that is, name and password, and also with Sessions-based authentication for HTTP only). You can limit access to what you specify as the "Maximum Internet name & password access." The "Maximum Internet name & password access" field does NOT apply to Internet users authenticated using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Client certificates. These users have the full access granted to them in the ACL.

For information on setting up SSL, see Enforcing encrypted Web transactions using SSL .

Using Java technologies, you can share code with and link to WebSphere applications. Single Sign-On (SSO) -- a shared authentication service -- allows for further seamless integration between Domino and WebSphere applications. For information on Single Sign-On, see Administering the Domino System.

For information on Single Sign-On, see Enabling single sign-on for Domino and WebSphere Servers if you have installed Lotus Domino Administrator 6 Help. Or, go to to download or view Lotus Domino Administrator 6 Help.

Default logout time period

You can specify a default logout time period to log the Web client off the server after a specified period of inactivity. This forces the cookie that Domino uses to track the user session to expire. Automatically logging a user off the server prevents others from using the Web client to impersonate a user if the user leaves the workstation before logging off. If you enable session-based name-and-password authentication for a server, users can also append ?logout at the end of a URL to log off a session -- for example:


You can also redirect the logout to a design element or URL using the &RedirectTo parameter. For example:



You can build this expression into an application -- for example, using it in a button -- or type it in as a URL.