To create a .properties file:
1. Format the file name as: <bundleName>_<languageCode>_<countryOrRegionCode>.properties. For example, you could format a standard US English output file as follows:
Create as many language files as necessary, prefixing the file with the same bundleName and appending it with the .properties extension.
Note You should create an entry for every input control that you plan to do validation on.
Each time your application is loaded, the messages for data validation are read from this directory.
The Accept-Language request-header field is used in the HTTP 1.1 protocol to restrict the set of natural languages that are preferred for use in formatting a response to an HTTP request. The value of the Accept-Language field is represented in the AcceptLang string of a user's browser. By default, the JSP container derives the locale value for its tags from the first locale specified in the AcceptLang string from the browser. However, you can override this default behavior by specifying the language and country/region codes explicitly as either a default JSP attribute (see Setting default JSP attribute values or by defining it per tag in the locale attribute of a single Domino tag (if the tag supports the locale attribute).
The following table provides some examples of the ISO-639 language codes and ISO-3166 country/region codes you can supply in the locale attribute of Domino JSP tags:
To specify that you want to display the formula tag body in Venezuelan Spanish, for example, write the formula tag as follows:
<tr><td> <domino:formula format="raw" locale="es_VE">@Implode(@DocFields)"</td><td>")</domino:formula><br> </td></tr>
See Also