Join function
Concatenates all members of an Array of Strings and returns a string. Elements of the Array are separated by a delimiter, if provided, or the space character (" ").


Join(sourceArray as Variant, [delimiter as String]) as String



Return value

Join returns a String containing the elements of sourceArray with delimiter between elements, or with the space character " " as a separator if delimiter is not specified.


Join creates a String that will hold the concatenation of sourceArray. Join then iterates through sourceArray, With each iteration, Join converts the next element of sourceArray to a String, if necessary, and appends it to the concatenation String. If more elements remain in sourceArray, a delimeter (either " " or the specified value) is appended to the concatenation String and Join continues to iterate. After all elements of sourceArray have been concatenated, Join returns the concatenation String.

Error handling

Join will throw a Run-time Type mismatch if:

Join will throw a run-time Wrong Number of Dimensions error if the array is not one-dimensional.

Join will throw a run-time Invalid Use of Null error if the array passed in contains an element set to null or if the delimiter is set to null.

Note Join is an alias of Implode and is identical in every way.

Language cross-reference

@Implode function in formula language

See Also