Examples: ExecProcedure method
This agent executes the stored procedure named SSELDEPT, which performs a simple query. The agent then displays the first row of the result set.

Sub Initialize
 Dim con As New ODBCConnection
 Dim res As New ODBCResultSet
 Dim rowvals As String
 REM Connect to data source
 con.ConnectTo(Inputbox("ODBC data source name", "DSN"))
 While Not con.IsConnected
   dsn = Inputbox("ODBC data source name", _
   "Connection not made ...")
   If dsn = "" Then Exit Sub
 Messagebox "Connected to " & con.DataSourceName,, _
 "Connection made ..."
 REM Call stored procedure
 Set res.Connection = con
 Call res.ExecProcedure("SSELDEPT")
 REM Display first row
 For i = 1 To res.NumColumns Step 1
   If res.IsValueNull(i) Then
     rowvals = rowvals & "NULL" & Chr(9)
     rowvals = rowvals & res.GetValue(i) & Chr(9)
   End If
 Messagebox rowvals,, "Value of first row"
 REM Disconnect
End Sub

See Also