Users experience a delay when accessing the database
Users may experience a delay when accessing databases for the following reasons:

The database is heavily used

View the User Activity dialog box to see if the database is heavily used. This option is on the Information tab of the Database Properties box. Check the server to see if its hardware and memory are powerful enough to support the user activity for the database. If the server is not powerful enough, you may need to upgrade hardware or memory on the server. You can also create an additional replica of the database so all users are not always using the same one. If disk contention is a problem, move the database to a less heavily used disk.

There are too many views

If the database contains many views, consider consolidating some of them. For example, you can consolidate views by creating alternative collations in the same view, rather than using separate views. Database performance can suffer when a database contains many views.

View indexes are being refreshed too frequently

If the database is heavily used or contains many documents, refresh view indexes less frequently, if possible.

Unread mark processing may cause delays

Delays can occur as the unread marks in a database are updated while the database is opening. It also creates disk contention, which slows down every operation on the database. Disabling unread marks on the database eliminates the delay.

The database design is complex

A complex database design can cause performance problems. Consider simplifying the database design.

Database performance properties are not being used

If feasible, set database properties to improve database performance.

The database cache needs adjustment

If you are a system administrator, monitor the database cache on the server that stores the database to see if it's working effectively. If necessary, increase the number of the databases the cache can hold. The NSF buffer pool size may also need to be increased.

See Also