Examples: Using environment variables
1. This button example increments the environment variable $SeqNo by one and prints the result. (This script would not be reliable on a server for maintaining a system of sequential numbers.)
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim session As New NotesSession
seqNo = session.GetEnvironmentValue("SeqNo")
If Isempty(seqNo) Then
Call session.SetEnvironmentVar("SeqNo", 1)
seqNo = seqNo + 1
Call session.SetEnvironmentVar _
("SeqNo", Cint(seqNo))
End If
Messagebox session.GetEnvironmentValue("SeqNo")
End Sub
2. This agent example prints the value of a system environment variable. GetEnvironmentString is used to accept an environment variable that is either a number or a string. The second argument to GetEnvironmentString is true so that a dollar sign is not prepended to the name of the environment variable.
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
envVarName = Inputbox$("Environment variable name")
envVar = session.GetEnvironmentString(envVarName, _
If envVar = "" Then
Messagebox(envVarName & " not set")
Messagebox(envVarName & " = " & envVar)
End If
End Sub
See Also
Using environment variables
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