Examples: @AttachmentModifiedTimes
1. For a document that contains a rich text field containing one attached file, this code, when added to a computed datetime field, returns 09/26/2001, the date on which the attached file was last modified.
2. If the document contains a rich text field to which the domino.dtd, whitepaper.pdf, and myreport.wk1 files were attached on August 7th, the following code, when added to a computed datetime field, returns: 09/25/2001;05/10/2001;09/26/2001, which are the respective dates on which the attached files were last modified.
3. If a form contains two rich text fields and you attach the domino.dtd file to the first field, save the document, and reopen it, this code, in a computed datetime field, displays 09/25/2001.
See Also