Exploring the Java interface in the Programmer's pane
Java programming can be done in the Programmer's pane of an agent or a script library.

Creating a Java agent
Interface elementPurpose
Classes tabLists all classes being used in the agent.
Compile buttonCompiles the current class, or the entire agent.
Edit Project buttonAllows you to add resource, class, source or archive files to an agent project. It can also be used to include a Script Library on the class path.
Export buttonExports the code from an agent to a Java source file.
Java Debug ConsoleDisplays the output generated by your Java programming in a separate task. Choose File - Tools - Show Java Debug Console.
New Class buttonCreates a space for a new class in the Script area.
Objects tabLists all of the objects and events available for programming Java agents.
Note The Objects tab is new with Release 6.

When Imported Java is selected from the Run menu, the Programmer's pane does not include the Edit Project, New Class, Export, and Compile buttons. The Programmer's pane includes the following features for Imported Java.

Importing Java into the Programmer's Pane
Interface elementPurpose
Base class boxAllows you to enter the base class of the current agent. If you import class files, the base class is displayed here.
Import Class Files buttonImports Java class files into an agent.

See Also