Importing a navigator into a form, subform, page, or document
When you import a navigator into a form, subform, page, or document, a composite image of the navigator is pasted in. The imported navigator actually becomes a picture object so that you edit it. The navigator text boxes, graphic buttons, polygons, and other navigator objects are converted to imagemap hotspots on the newly created picture object.

An advantage of importing a navigator is that formulas and LotusScript that were originally attached to navigator objects become attached to the imagemap hotspots. Imported navigators, unlike navigators and embedded navigators, allow you to make changes to the formulas and the LotusScript. An imported navigator, unlike an embedded navigator, has no links to the original navigator.

Note that you can import only navigators that are Web-browser compatible. Select "Web browser compatible" at the Info tab of the Navigator Properties box for the navigator you want to import.

When you import a navigator, navigator simple actions are converted to equivalent hotspots:
Navigator Simple ActionHotspot equivalent
Open another Navigator@Command([OpenNavigator];"NavigatorName")
Open a View or Folder@Command([OpenView];"ViewOrFolderName")
Alias a Folder@Command([OpenView];"FolderName")
Open a LinkResource link of type "link"
Open URLResource link of type "URL"

To import a navigator into a form, subform, page, or document

1. Open a form, subform, or page in Designer or open a document in Edit mode.

2. Place the cursor where you want the imported navigator to display.

3. Choose Create - Embedded Element - Import Navigator. The Import Navigator dialog box appears.

4. Select a navigator to import.

5. Save and close the form, subform, page, or document.

See Also