Sets the content of a MIME entity from text.
Note This method is new with Release 6.
Defined in
Call notesMIMEEntity.SetContentFromText( stream, contentType, encoding )
If the NotesStream input is the result of NotesStream.WriteText, translation of the internal Unicode defaults to US-ASCII. To translate characters other than US-ASCII, append a charset parameter such as "charset=UTF-8" or "charset=Unicode-1-1" to the type/subtype.
If Content-Type specifies "text" and the "charset" parameter specifies a known Internet encoding, and encoding is ENC_IDENTITY_8BIT or ENC_IDENTITY_BINARY, content storage is with the specified character set. Otherwise, content storage is attempted with US-ASCII.
This method sets the stream Position at end of stream.
Language cross-reference
setContentFromText in Java MIMEEntity class
Example See Also