Note that only the Dialog list type contains all of the following options. The Checkbox, Radio button, Listbox and Combobox types contain only the first two of the following options.
View lookups provide the following benefits:
To retrieve information from Domino or non-Domino databases you can use @DbColumn and @DbLookup formulas instead of using a View dialog lookup.
Examples: Creating a field to display a list of choices
You want to make it easy for users to include a product number when they fill out a Purchase Request. Create an editable Dialog List field named ProductNumber and use the "Use View Dialog for choices" property to generate choices.
You select the Inventory Database, the By Product Number view, and Column 1, where product numbers are listed.
Creating a formula-generated list A Travel Request form contains an editable Listbox field called Country that uses the following formula to show only those countries relevant to the location selected by the user:
@If(Location="Europe";"France":"Germany":"Italy":"Spain";Location="Far East";"Japan":"Singapore":"South Korea";Location="North America";"Canada":"Mexico":"United States";"")
See Also