Examples: Delete statement
' Define the class Customer.
Class Customer
Public Name As String
Public Address As String
Public Balance As Currency
' Define a constructor sub for the class.
Sub New (Na As String, Addr As String, Bal As Currency)
Me.Name$ = Na$
Me.Address$ = Addr$
Me.Balance@ = Bal@
End Sub
' Define a destructor sub for the class.
Sub Delete
Print "Deleting customer record for: "; Me.Name$
End Sub
End Class
' Create an object of the Customer class.
Dim X As New Customer ("Acme Corporation", _
"55 Smith Avenue, Cambridge, MA", 14.92)
Print X.Balance@
' Output:
' 14.92
' Delete the object, first running the destructor sub.
Delete X
' Output:
' Deleting customer record for: Acme Corporation
' Then the object is deleted.
See Also
Delete statement
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