Assigning a programmatic name for a column
The Name field displays a default name assigned to the column for referring to the column in a script or formula. You can edit this name to make it more descriptive. Take care editing a name assigned to a column if you have already created formulas using the programmatic name -- changing the name breaks all formulas that use the name.
You will need the programmatic name for the column to program the InViewEdit event that allows users to edit documents from the view. For more information on this feature, see "Allowing users to edit or create documents from a view."
Using the programmatic name assigned to columns by simple functions If you first define a column using a simple function, then you create another column that depends on the value of the first, you must edit the programmatic name of the first column to something other than a dollar symbol ($) and a number. If you put $1 in a formula, it is evaluated to = the quantity/value of 1. If you put "$1" in the formula, it is treated as a string rather than a variable, field or column name.
For example, if the first column in the view is the author (simple function), with a programmatic name of $1 and you want the second column to display something based on the value in column 1, you can change the programmatic name of column 1 from $1 to $one and then refer to the new programmatic name in the formula for column 2. For example: @if($one = "Mary Stone/Acme";"READ THIS"; "ignore this")
The following column names assigned by simple functions are restricted -- that is, you cannot use their programmatic name in a formula: # in View column, Collapse/Expand, # Responses, or # Response levels.
Using a hide-when formula in a column
Use a hide-when formula to hide a column based on conditions in place when the view first displays. For example, to hide a column from a particular user, click the Advanced tab on the Column Properties box, check "Hide column if formula is true," and enter formula:
@If(@Name([CN];@Username) = "John Smith")
Note that because the formula evaluates when the view first displays, a hide-when formula that matches a certain condition will fail if the condition is met subsequent to opening the view.
Caution Hide-when formulas are not a security measure. Users can still get information by viewing the document properties. Use this feature as a method for controlling the display of information in a view.
Note Because the ability to selectively hide a column based on a formula is new in Designer 6, columns hidden in this way will display in earlier releases of the client unless you also check the option "Hide in Notes R5 or before."
Hiding a column from R5 clients When you check "Hide column" in Lotus Domino Designer 6, the column will also be hidden when the application is accessed by an R5 client. If you check "Hide column if formula is true" in Designer 6, the column will be visible when accessed by an R5 client because R5 did not have the ability to selectively hide columns. If you are using the option to "Hide column if formula is true," check the option "Hide in Notes R5 or before."
To display column values as links in Web applications
To open a document from a view, Web users click a column that links to the document. By default, Domino uses the leftmost column in a view as the linking column, but you can change this default by designing another linking column. After you set up customized linking, you cannot revert to Domino's default behavior -- you must continue to designate at least one linking column in that view.
1. Click the column(s) you want to display as linking columns.
2. Open the Column Properties box and click the Advanced tab.
3. Select "For Web Access: Show values in this column as links."
See Also