Previewing your design work
To see how your application looks and behaves on the Notes client and on the Web, you can preview your work in Notes and in supported browsers. When you start up your computer, Designer searches for the following browsers:
For each supported browser Designer finds, it adds an icon to the Preview tool bar. If you have both Netscape version 3.x and 4.x both icons appear. The toolbar also displays icons for previewing the application through the Notes browser and the Notes client. Note that previewing in Notes serves the application through the Domino server, while previewing in Notes serves the application directly to the Notes client.

Clicking a browser icon previews the current design element -- that is, the page, form, or navigator you are designing -- in the associated browser.

You can also preview elements from the Design list. For example, you do not need to open up a form to preview it; you can select it in the list of forms and click one of the preview icons.

To preview in Notes or in the default Web browser using the menu

1. Open the design element you want to preview or select it from the Design list.

2. Make design changes if necessary.

3. Choose Design - Preview in Notes or Preview in Web browser <Web browser>. You will be prompted to save any changes. If you do not save your changes, Designer will preview your work without the changes.

4. (Optional) To stop the Web browser preview without exiting Notes, choose File - Tools - Stop Local Web Preview Process.

To preview in Notes or in the default Web browser using the preview icons

1. Open the design element you want to preview or select it from the Design list.

2. Make design changes if necessary.

3. Click the icon on the Menu bar for the browser you want to use. You are prompted to save any changes. If you do not save your changes, Designer displays your work without the changes.

4. (Optional) To stop the Web browser preview without exiting Notes, choose File - Tools - Stop Local Web Preview Process.

To set up a default browser for previewing

To set up previewing, you must override the proxy settings so the preview process can find the databases -- both on your local machine and on any servers that have databases you need to preview.

1. In Designer, choose File - Preferences - Location Preferences.

2. Next to Proxy, click the Advanced icon.

3. Next to "No proxy for these domains," add these case-sensitive entries:

4. Click OK.

5. Close and save the Location document.

To override proxy settings for additional browsers

If you use alternate browsers, you must also set them up for previewing. See the Help for your browsers for more specific information on proxy settings.

1. Open each browser, and then open its Proxy settings page.

2. Specify these case-sensitive entries:

3. Click OK.

Requirements for previewing your design work on the Web

See Also