Text includes text paragraphs and text runs, rich text styles, rich text paragraph styles, and tabs. A text run is text until the style changes or the paragraph ends.
Text paragraphs and text runs
To find text in a rich text item, use the NotesRichTextNavigator methods in conjunction with the type RTELEM_TYPE_TEXTPARAGRAPH or RTELEM_TYPE_TEXTRUN. To get text, create a NotesRichTextRange object and delineate the text with the following methods:
The NotesRichTextRange class has the following properties:
To create text in a rich text item, use the following methods:
You can access rich text style properties through the NotesRichTextStyle class. The NotesRichTextStyle class contains the following properties:
Use a NotesRichTextStyle object with AppendStyle in NotesRichTextItem. At creation, all the NotesRichTextStyle attributes are in the default state STYLE_NO_CHANGE (255).
Use GetNotesFont in NotesRichTextItem to establish font identifiers for NotesFont.
Rich text paragraph styles
The NotesRichTextParagraphStyle allows you to access the following attributes of a rich text paragraph object:
You can manipulate the tabs in a rich text paragraph style object through the ClearAllTabs, SetTab, and SetTabs and Clear methods in the NotesRichTextParagraphStyle and RichTextTab classes.
The following table lists the properties in the RichTextTab class.
Example See Also