Examples: GetItemValue method
In the following examples, doc is a NotesDocument whose value has been set as follows:
1. This script prints the contents of the Subject item in a document in a dialog box. In this case, GetItemValue returns an array of one element, so the code uses subj( 0 ) to access the first element.
2. This script achieves the same result using the extended class syntax.
3. This script sums every value in the quarterlyRevenue item on doc and places the result into the totalRevenue item. The quarterlyRevenue item is a number list, and the totalRevenue item is a number. For example, if quarterlyRevenue contains 50; 60; 70; 80, then totalRevenue gets assigned a value of 260.
4. This script achieves the same result using the extended class syntax.
5. This script gets the contents of the rich text item Body, which is returned as a single string, and places it into the Body field of a new mail memo.
6. This script achieves the same result using the extended class syntax.
See Also