Examples: GetItemValue method
In the following examples, doc is a NotesDocument whose value has been set as follows:
Dim session As NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set session = New NotesSession
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set dc = db.UnprocessedDocuments
Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument
1. This script prints the contents of the Subject item in a document in a dialog box. In this case, GetItemValue returns an array of one element, so the code uses subj( 0 ) to access the first element.
Dim subj As Variant
subj = doc.GetItemValue( "Subject" )
Messagebox( subj( 0 ) )
2. This script achieves the same result using the extended class syntax.
Dim subj As Variant
subj = doc.Subject
Messagebox( subj( 0 ) )
3. This script sums every value in the quarterlyRevenue item on doc and places the result into the totalRevenue item. The quarterlyRevenue item is a number list, and the totalRevenue item is a number. For example, if quarterlyRevenue contains 50; 60; 70; 80, then totalRevenue gets assigned a value of 260.
Dim total As Integer
Dim money As Variant
total = 0
money = doc.GetItemValue( "quarterlyRevenue" )
Forall m In money
total = total + m
End Forall
Call doc.ReplaceItemValue( "totalRevenue", total )
Call doc.Save( False, True )
4. This script achieves the same result using the extended class syntax.
Dim total As Integer
Dim money As Variant
total = 0
money = doc.quarterlyRevenue
Forall m In money
total = total + m
End Forall
doc.totalRevenue = total
Call doc.Save( False, True )
5. This script gets the contents of the rich text item Body, which is returned as a single string, and places it into the Body field of a new mail memo.
Sub Initialize
Dim memo As NotesDocument
Set memo = New NotesDocument( db )
Dim bodytext As Variant
bodytext = doc.GetItemValue( "Body" )
Call memo.ReplaceItemValue( "Body", bodytext )
Call memo.ReplaceItemValue( "Subject", _
"Here's some plain text" )
Call memo.ReplaceItemValue( "Form", "Memo" )
Call memo.Send( False, _
"dbattersly @ purple.peoplepleaser.org @ internet" )
End Sub
6. This script achieves the same result using the extended class syntax.
Sub Initialize
Dim memo As NotesDocument
Set memo = New NotesDocument( db )
memo.Body = doc.Body
memo.Subject = "Here's some plain text"
memo.Form = "Memo"
Call memo.Send( False, _
"dbattersly @ purple.peoplepleaser.org @ internet" )
End Sub
See Also
GetItemValue method
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