Predefined fields with built-in functionality
Designer provides predefined fields which automatically add functionality that you would otherwise have to program yourself. For example, to design a form with mailing options, you add predefined mail fields such as SendTo and CopyTo to a form. Designer recognizes the fields and provides the interaction with the mail router that routes and delivers the mailed document.

If you try to use a reserved name in a way that is different from its intended use or redefine the field, Designer displays an error message.

Reserved names for embedded elements
Reserved field nameContains
$$ViewBody An embedded view.
$$ViewList An embedded folder pane.
$$NavigatorBody An embedded navigator.
$GroupScheduleRefreshMode A value for refreshing an embedded group scheduling control.
$GroupScheduleShowLegend A value of 0 or 1. If the value is 0, the color legend does not display. If the value is 1, the color legend does display. The default is 1.

Reserved fields for use in billing applications
Reserved field nameCreates a billing record when a user
$ChargeRead Opens a document that contains this field.
$ChargeWrite Creates, copies, edits, or saves a document that contains this field.

Reserved fields for general use
Reserved field nameUse
Categories Categorizes documents.
$VersionOpt Controls version tracking for documents.
FolderOptions Puts new documents in folders.
SecretEncryptionKeys Encrypts documents with secret, rather than public, encryption keys.
HTML Passes HTML directly to the server.
$$HTMLHead Passes HTML information to be hosted within the <HEAD> tag for a document. The passed information might be meta data (using a <META ...> tag) or JavaScript code (using a <SCRIPT ...> tag) or CSS information (using a <STYLE ...> tag).
$$ReturnAfter Web users submit a document, Domino responds with the default confirmation "Form processed." To override the default response, add a computed text field to the form, name it $$Return, and use HTML as the computed value to create a customized confirmation.

Internal fields on forms

When a form is stored in a document, the form name is stored in the internal field named $Title. To use a different form to display the document, create an agent that deletes this stored form information and designates another form to display the document.

See Also