Reserved field name | Use |
Categories | Categorizes documents. |
$VersionOpt | Controls version tracking for documents. |
FolderOptions | Puts new documents in folders. |
SecretEncryptionKeys | Encrypts documents with secret, rather than public, encryption keys. |
HTML | Passes HTML directly to the server. |
$$HTMLHead | Passes HTML information to be hosted within the <HEAD> tag for a document. The passed information might be meta data (using a <META ...> tag) or JavaScript code (using a <SCRIPT ...> tag) or CSS information (using a <STYLE ...> tag). |
$$Return | After Web users submit a document, Domino responds with the default confirmation "Form processed." To override the default response, add a computed text field to the form, name it $$Return, and use HTML as the computed value to create a customized confirmation. |