Examples: HotSpotTextStyle property
This agent toggles the bold attribute of the hotspot text for the first doclink in the Body item.

import lotus.domino.*;

public class JavaAgent extends AgentBase {

 public void NotesMain() {

   try {
     Session session = getSession();
     AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext();

     // (Your code goes here)
     DocumentCollection dc = agentContext.getUnprocessedDocuments();
     Document doc = dc.getFirstDocument();
     RichTextItem body = (RichTextItem)doc.getFirstItem("Body");
     RichTextNavigator rtnav = body.createNavigator();
     if (rtnav.findFirstElement(RichTextItem.RTELEM_TYPE_DOCLINK)) {
       RichTextDoclink rtlink = (RichTextDoclink)rtnav.getElement();
       if (rtlink.getHotSpotText().length() != 0) {
         RichTextStyle rts = rtlink.getHotSpotTextStyle();
         if (rts.getBold() == RichTextStyle.YES)
         rtlink.setHotSpotTextStyle(rts);, true);
         System.out.println("No hotspot text");
       System.out.println("No doclinks in Body");

   } catch(Exception e) {

See Also