Examples: NotesAppletContext class
The following applet gets its Domino context and prints the file name of the database containing it.

import lotus.domino.*;
public class platformApplet extends AppletBase
 java.awt.TextArea ta;
 public void notesAppletInit()
   ta = new java.awt.TextArea();
 public void notesAppletStart()
   Session s = null;
     s = this.openSession("Robert Test", "pw");
     if (s == null) //not able to make the connection, warn user
       ta.append("Unable to create a session with the server");
     NotesAppletContext ap = getContext(s);
     ta.append("Database = " + ap.getDatabase().getFileName());
   catch(Exception e)
     try {this.closeSession(s);}
     catch(Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}

See Also