Sorts a list.
Note This @function is new with Release 6.
@Sort( list ; [ order ]; customSortExpression )
Separate multiple order keywords with a colon(:). By default, the following keywords automatically format the sort order:
You can override a default sort order keyword by specifying its opposite keyword. For example, to override [ASCENDING], specify [DESCENDING] in the @Sort function. If conflicting keywords are passed, the last one in the list affects the sort order.
An error is produced if the customSortExpression produces a data type other than a number.
The ascending, case-, and accent-sensitive sort sequence for the English character set is as follows: the numbers 0-9, the alphabetic characters A-Z then a-z, the apostrophe, the dash, and the remaining special characters. Pitch-sensitivity affects double-byte languages.
If you set Unicode standard sorting as the sorting option, you cannot select the following keywords or combinations:
For more information on Unicode sorting, see
A date-time value with a wildcard time (no time specified) equals all date-time values for the same date. For example, the following dates are considered equal:
[12/12/2000] : [12/12/2000 1:00 PM] : [12/11/2000 - 12/13/2000]
These values are sorted in random order and may be ordered differently with each sort if multiple sorts are performed on them.
Example See Also