deletedoc tag
Generates a link that deletes the current document, then displays the next document as it is defined by the nextdoc tag on the form. If there is no nextdoc tag or there are no documents left in the view, the page specified in the validhref attribute for this tag displays. If no validhref attribute is supplied, the page specified in the validhref attribute for the form containing this tag displays instead.

JSP tags do not support soft deletions. If the current user does not have permission to delete documents, this tag is not enabled.

Note This tag generates HTML that causes the page to reload when a user clicks it. If you want to save the parameters that you passed into the page, you must use a preserve tag for each parameter you want to save or it will be lost when the page reloads.

Note If a page containing this tag is included in another page using the <jsp:include> action tag, the hypertext link that the validhref attribute creates will not function.


Valid in:


The following attributes are optional:


See the Common Domino JSP tag attributes section for definitions of debug, onfailure, and time.

HTML Attributes

See the Common HTML tag attributes section for definitions of the following standard HTML tag attributes:

See Also