Examples: UnprocessedFTSearchRange method
This agent, which runs on selected documents, returns the selected documents that contain a user-specified string, in groups of eight.

Sub Initialize
 Dim session As New NotesSession
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
 Dim doc As NotesDocument
 Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
 REM Update full-text index
 Call db.UpdateFTIndex(True)
 REM Get query and put in quotes
 query$ = Inputbox("Enter string to search for", "Query")
 If query$ = "" Then Exit Sub
 query$ = """" & query$ & """"
 REM Get the first 8 documents that match the query
 start& = 1
 Set dc = db.UnprocessedFTSearchRange( query$, 8, _
 While dc.Count > 0
   REM Display Subject for documents matching query
   Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument
   While Not(doc Is Nothing)
     message$ = message$ & doc.Subject(0) & Chr(10)
     Set doc = dc.GetNextDocument(doc)
   Messagebox message$,, _
   "Search results " & start& & " - " & start& - 1 + dc.Count
   REM Get next 8 documents that match the query
   message$ = ""
   start& = start& + 8
   Set dc = db.UnprocessedFTSearchRange(query$, 8, _
   FT_SCORES, FT_STEMS, start&)
End Sub

See Also