Examples: Input # statement
Dim fileNum As Integer

Dim fname As String

Dim customer As String, addr As String, city As String

fname = "data.dat"

  fileNum% = Freefile()

  Open fname for Output As fileNum%

  Write #fileNum%, {John Roe

  and family}, "25 Main Street", "Springfield, IL"

  Write #fileNum%, "Mary Johnson", {Fifth Floor

55 Cambridge Parkway}, "Cambridge, MA"



  fileNum% = FreeFile()

  Open fname For Input As fileNum%

  For i% = 1 to 2

   Input #fileNum%, customer, addr, city

   Print customer

     Print addr

   Print city

   Print ""

  Next i%


'  Output:

'  Outputs two groups, each consisting of three String values,

'  with some Strings on multiple lines:

'  John Roe ' customer, line 1

'       and family ' customer, line 2

'  25 Main Street ' addr

'  Springfield, IL ' city

'  Mary Johnson ' customer

'  Fifth Floor ' addr, line 1

'  55 Cambridge Parkway ' addr, line 2

'  Cambridge, MA ' city

Close fileNum%

See Also