(Declarations) Dim session As NotesSession Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim inputStream As NotesStream, outputStream As NotesStream Dim domParser As NotesDOMParser Dim inputNSF As String, origXML As String, reportFile As String Dim message As String 'report title Dim NL As String 'carriage return + line feed
REM The relevant structure of the XML file is: REM <database...> the root element REM <document form="Person"> REM <item name="attribute value"> REM <text>text value</text> REM </item> REM </document> REM </database> Sub Initialize inputNSF = "c:\lotus\notes\data\names.nsf" origXML = "c:\dxl\Contacts.xml" reportFile = "c:\dxl\PhoneList.doc" message = "Contacts Telephone List" NL = Chr(13) + Chr(10) Set session = New NotesSession Call exportNames If Not createFiles Goto closeUp 'create DOM parser and process Set domParser=session.CreateDOMParser(inputStream, outputStream) domParser.Process 'get the root element Dim rootElement As NotesDOMElementNode Set rootElement = domParser.Document.DocumentElement 'get all "Person documents" Call getPersonDocs( rootElement ) outputStream.WriteText (NL + "Report created from: " + origXML + NL) closeUp: Call outputStream.Close Messagebox "Report written to " + reportFile End Sub
REM The relevant structure of the XML file is: REM <document form="Person">...</document> REM where, REM document is an element node, member of documentList REM form is an attribute name REM and "Person" is the attribute's value REM This is the "Person document" match we want Sub getPersonDocs (node As NotesDOMElementNode) 'node is the root element of the xml file Dim documentList As NotesDOMNodeList Dim nDocument As Integer 'number of <document> elements Dim i As Integer 'counter for documentList Dim child As NotesDOMNode Dim eNode As NotesDOMElementNode Dim n As Integer 'number of attributes If node.IsNull Then Exit Sub Set documentList = node.GetElementsByTagName ("document") nDocument = documentList.NumberOfEntries If nDocument = 0 Then Exit Sub 'no document elements in file REM Check the child nodes of the root element Set child = node.FirstChild For i = 1 To nDocument While Not child.NodeName = "document" Set child = child.NextSibling Wend REM We found an element node named "document" If child.Attributes.NumberOfEntries > 0 Then REM The node has attritubes Set eNode = child 'switch to element node For n = 1 To eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries If eNode.GetAttribute("form") = "Person" Then REM The node has the right attribute name and value Call getData (eNode) End If Next End If REM Look for another Person document Set child = child.NextSibling Next End Sub
REM The relevant structure of the XML file is: REM <item name="attribute value">...</item> REM where REM item is an element node, member of itemList REM name is an attribute name REM "attribute value" is the attribute's value REM This is one of the matches we're looking for Sub getData (node As Notesdomelementnode) 'node is an element named "document" Dim itemList As NotesDOMNodeList Dim nItem As Integer 'number of <item> elements Dim i As Integer 'counter for itemList Dim child As NotesDOMNode Dim eNode As Notesdomelementnode Dim n As Integer 'number of attributes If node.IsNull Then Exit Sub Set itemList = node.GetElementsByTagName ("item") nItem = itemList.NumberOfEntries If nItem = 0 Then Exit Sub 'no item elements in node REM Check the child nodes of this element Set child = node.FirstChild For i = 1 To nItem While Not child.NodeName = "item" Set child = child.NextSibling Wend REM We found an element node named "item" If child.Attributes.NumberOfEntries > 0 Then REM The node has attritubes Set eNode = child 'switch to element node For n = 1 To eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries REM Look for an attribute named "name" REM Only one of the following matches will be found for this node If eNode.GetAttribute("name") = "FirstName" Then REM We found a matching attribute value domParser.Output (NL) Call writeData (eNode) n = eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries 'done with this node End If If eNode.GetAttribute("name") = "LastName" Then REM We found a matching attribute value domParser.Output (" ") Call writeData (eNode) domParser.Output (NL) n = eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries 'done with this node End If If eNode.GetAttribute("name") = "OfficePhoneNumber" Then REM We found a matching attribute value domParser.Output (" ") Call writeData (eNode) domParser.Output (NL) n = eNode.Attributes.NumberOfEntries 'done with this node End If Next 'continue searching for a matching attribute End If REM Look for another matching item Set child = child.Nextsibling Next End Sub
REM The relevant structure of the XML file is: REM <text>text value</text> REM where REM text is an element node, child of itemList member REM text value is a text node, the textchild of itemList member REM We want to print textchild.NodeValue in the report. Sub writeData (node As NotesDOMNode) 'node is an element named "item" 'The text we want is actually in the "grandchild" of node REM node.NodeName = item REM child.NodeName = text REM textchild.NodeType = DOMNODETYPE_TEXT_NODE REM textchild.NodeValue = text value Dim child As NotesDOMNode, textchild As notesDOMNode Set child = node.FirstChild If child.IsNull Then Exit Sub Set textchild = child.FirstChild If textchild.IsNull Then Exit Sub domParser.Output( textchild.NodeValue ) End Sub
'Export the inputNSF file to the xml file origXML. Sub exportNames REM Create the xml file Dim stream As NotesStream Set stream = session.CreateStream If Not stream.Open(origXML) Then Messagebox "Cannot open " & origXML, , "Error" Exit Sub End If Call stream.Truncate REM Open the Notes database Dim db As New NotesDatabase ("", "") If Not db.Open ("", inputNSF) Then Messagebox "Cannot open " & inputNSF, , "Error" Exit Sub End If REM Create a note collection Dim nc As NotesNoteCollection Set nc = db.CreateNoteCollection(False) Call nc.SelectAllNotes(True) Call nc.SelectAllAdminNotes(False) Call nc.SelectAllDesignElements(False) Call nc.BuildCollection REM Export note collection as DXL Dim exporter As NotesDXLExporter Set exporter = session.CreateDXLExporter Call exporter.SetInput(nc) Call exporter.SetOutput(stream) Call exporter.Process End Sub
Function createFiles createFiles = True 'create the output file Set outputStream = session.CreateStream outputStream.Open (reportFile) outputStream.Truncate 'write report title outputStream.WriteText (message + NL) 'open the XML file Set inputStream = session.CreateStream inputStream.Open (origXML) If inputStream.Bytes = 0 Then Messagebox origXML + " is empty", , "Error" createFiles = False End If End Function
See Also