Table of Domino Designer templates
If you install the templates with Lotus Domino Designer 6, you'll find them in the Notes program directory.

In the table, an asterisk (*) indicates that additional information on this template appears in the Domino Designer Templates Guide available on the Lotus Developer Domain Web site:
Database titleFile name & design template nameAudienceDescription
Discussion - Notes & Web (6) (*)discsw6.ntf


Notes and Web usersElectronic conference room.

Features: Threaded discussion database with user profiles that allow users to receive automatic mailing with links to items of interest. Anonymous responses, archiving, and public/private threads. Multiple navigators, alternate view templates, and hotspot actions for Web users.

Doc Library - Notes & Web


Notes and Web usersDocument storage.

Features: Review workflow (serial and parallel) and archiving.

Microsoft Office Library (6)doclbm6.ntf


Notes usersSpecial version of the Document Library template dedicated to this application suite.

Automatically loads and sizes the OLE object to the window; and stores and supports review cycles of documents created with suite products.

Personal Journal (R6)journal6.ntf


Notes and Web usersElectronic diary where users can write and store private documents. Includes instructions for customizing the database design.
TeamRoom (6) (*)teamrm6.ntf


Notes and Web usersTeam collaboration database. Maintains several document communication types to represent meetings, discussions, and action items. Features parallel review processing, archiving, and newsletters.

See Also