Opens the specified database to the specified view, highlighting the first document whose value in the sort column matches the key. You specify a database using its server and file name.
@Command( [FileOpenDatabase]; server : database ; viewName ; key ; newinstance ; temporary )
@Command( [FileOpenDatabase]; server : database ; navigator ; solo ; newinstance ; temporary )
If you omit some of the parameters like viewName and key, but still include the parameters that come after it, substitute “” for each parameter that you're skipping, as in:
@Command([FileOpenDatabase]; "Sales":"PROBLEMS.NSF"; ""; ""; ""; "1" )
You can use this command in Web applications, but the server argument must be specified as a null string (""). When using the view argument, you must follow the command with @Command [OpenDocument].
Language cross-reference
GetDatabase method of LotusScript NotesSession class
GetDocumentByKey method of LotusScript NotesView class
OpenDatabase method of LotusScript NotesUIWorkspace class
getDatabase method of Java Session class
getDocumentByKey method of Java View class
Example See Also