Examples: NotesDateRange class
1. This example sets the StartDateTime and EndDateTime properties of a NotesDateRange object, then displays the value of the Text property. The Text property, at this point, has the value: "08/18/96 01:36:22 PM - 08/19/96 01:36:22 PM."
Dim dateRange As NotesDateRange
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim dateTime1 As New NotesDateTime("08/18/96 01:36:22 PM")
Dim dateTime2 As New NotesDateTime("08/19/96 01:36:22 PM")
Set dateRange = session.CreateDateRange()
Set dateRange.StartDateTime = dateTime1
Set dateRange.EndDateTime = dateTime2
Messagebox dateRange.Text
2. This example writes a value to the Text property, then displays the LocalTime property of the StartDateTime and EndDateTime properties (which are NotesDateTime objects). The LocalTime properties, at this point, are "08/18/96 01:36:22 PM" and "08/19/96 01:36:22 PM."
Dim dateRange As NotesDateRange
Dim session As New NotesSession
Set dateRange = session.CreateDateRange()
dateRange.Text= _
"08/18/96 01:36:22 PM - 08/19/96 01:36:22 PM"
Messagebox dateRange.StartDateTime.LocalTime
Messagebox dateRange.EndDateTime.LocalTime
3. This example sets a value for a NotesDateRange object, then changes the NotesDateTime object on which the EndDateTime property is based. This implicitly changes the EndDateTime property.
Dim dateRange As NotesDateRange
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim dateTime1 As New NotesDateTime("Today")
Dim dateTime2 As New NotesDateTime("Tomorrow")
Set dateRange = session.CreateDateRange()
Set dateRange.StartDateTime = dateTime1
Set dateRange.EndDateTime = dateTime2
Messagebox dateRange.Text
Call dateTime2.AdjustDay(1)
Messagebox dateRange.Text
See Also
NotesDateRange class
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