Examples: IsEOS property
This agent reads and processes blocks of bytes until end of stream occurs.

Sub Initialize
REM Set names of input and output files
 Const DIRECTORY = "c:\StreamFiles\"
 Const FILENAME = "domobj"
 Const EXT = ".tlb"
 Dim inPath As String, outPath As String
 outPath = DIRECTORY & FILENAME & "copy" & EXT
 Dim session As NotesSession
 Dim inStream As NotesStream, outStream As NotesStream
 Set session = New NotesSession
REM Get the input file
 Set inStream = session.CreateStream
 If Not inStream.Open(inPath, "binary") Then
   Messagebox inPath,, "Open failed"
   Exit Sub
 End If
 If inStream.Bytes = 0 Then
   Messagebox inPath,, "File has no content"
   Exit Sub
 End If
REM Get the output file
 Set outStream = session.CreateStream
 If Not outStream.Open(outPath, "binary") Then
   Messagebox outPath,, "Open failed"
   Exit Sub
 End If
 If outStream.Bytes <> 0 Then
   Messagebox outPath,, "File exists and has content"
   Exit Sub
 End If
REM Transfer input file to output file
   buffer = inStream.Read(32767)
   Call outStream.Write(buffer)
 Loop Until inStream.IsEOS
 Call inStream.Close
 Call outStream.Close
End Sub

See Also