Examples: LastModified property
1. This script gets the date that the current database was last modified. For example, the LastModified property might return 10/30/95 1:35:44 PM.
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim modifyDate As Variant
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
modifyDate = db.LastModified
2. This script sends mail to the managers of PROJECT.NSF if the database hasn't been modified in the last thirty days.
Dim db As New NotesDatabase( "", "projects.nsf" )
Dim doc As NotesDocument
If ( ( Today - db.LastModified ) > 30 ) Then
Set doc = New NotesDocument( db )
doc.Form = "Memo"
doc.Subject = "Your database: " & db.Title
doc.Body = _
"...hasn't changed in 30 days."
Call doc.Send( False, db.Managers )
End If
See Also
LastModified property
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