Examples: ComposeWithReference
1. This example, which could be a form or view action, creates a Response document containing a link to the main document.
2. This example creates a Response document containing a copy of the main document.
3. This example creates a Response document containing a copy of the main document in a collapsible section.
4. This example creates a Response document containing a copy of the main document in Internet style (with attachments stripped).
5. This example creates a Response document containing a copy of the main document in a collapsible section in Internet style (with attachments stripped).
6. This example creates a Response document containing a copy of the main document with attachments stripped.
7. This example creates a Response document containing a copy of the main document in a collapsible section with attachments stripped.
8. This example, when used in an action button in a database containing a $ForwardSep subform, composes a forwarded mail memo referencing the main document.
9. This example composes a forwarded mail memo in the current database. All attachments are stripped before the main document is copied to the new memo.
10. This example composes a forwarded mail memo in the current database. The new document contains and "Internet-style quoted copy of the reference document. All attachments, images and other large objects are stripped before the main document is copied to the new one.
11. This example, when triggered from an action button on a form, checks if the current document has been saved. If not, it saves it, then opens the "responseDoc" response document, including the body of the main document in a collapsible section.
See Also